MPE Club (HOA)
The MPE Club was founded March 7, 1958, at a special social gathering attended by the first residents of the Estates. These twelve families thus began the Merriman Park Estates Club. It has evolved into an incorporated, non-profit organization to better serve our residents.
The purpose of the Club is to promote good fellowship and neighborliness among the Members and to provide a forum for collective discussion and pursuit of problems of mutual, civic interest.
Some of the types of things that have been brought to our neighborhood by the hard work, efforts and funds raised are: our park sidewalk, the flower beds along Merriman Parkway, the many plants and trees in those beds, the children's playground, three street lights, trees along the Skillman St. medians, and procuring and installing unique and defining sign toppers on our neighborhood street signs.
The Club also sponsors an annual fall picnic jointly with the MPE Women's Social Club. The Club participates in the Tom Thumb Good Neighbor program. Tom Thumb will donate a percentage of your purchases to the Club if your link your reward card to our number-4757.
All it takes to be a member of the Neighborhood Association is to be a homeowner in Merriman Park Estates and remit annual dues of $100.00. That $100.00 goes to produce the directory and help fund the budget. This entitles you to be a voting member for any neighborhood issues or proposals that are brought before the MPE residents. You also get a neighborhood telephone directory that is published every two years. You also get to know the fine people willing to work to make this THE neighborhood of the Lake Highlands area.
For more information on how to become a member please send an email to:
Garden Club
The MPE Garden Club was established in 1974 to:
stimulate a love of gardening
support community beautification efforts
expand knowledge of house and garden care
encourage dirty hands, sore backs and happy hearts
Neighborhood presence
Plan, purchase, plant and maintain landscaping along Merriman Parkway and R.P. Brooks Park
Award "Yard of the Month" and "Alley of the Month" to neighborhood homes
Interesting Meetings
2nd Thursday of the month, September through May
Dinner party in February, luncheon in May
Speaker's topics: Spring bulbs, Neighborhood birds, Behind the Scenes at the Arboretum, Genealogy, Feng shui, Conserving water, Historic Building in City Parks and many more
Valuable Income
Annual membership dues $20
Purpose: fund continued beautification of our neighborhood's public green spaces
Women and men of Merriman Park Estates Garden Club have monthly meetings which provide a casual time to visit with neighbors, enjoy brunch and learn tricks and tips to make garden and house care greener, more efficient, lovely to look at and worth the effort.
For more information on how to become a member please send an email to:
Women's Social Club
The MPE Women's Social Club is a vibrant group of over sixty women of all ages and stages in life who get together once a month for dinner and drinks. The meetings are an excellent way to say hello to old friends and make new ones as well as exchange neighborhood news and events.
In addition to the monthly social gatherings, the club hosts and participates in the following events:
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Couples Party (and it’s fun for the entire family)
Periodic Happy Hours on the Lawn (and it’s fun for the entire family)
Monthly Playgroups for children
Assist in organizing the MPE Annual Carnival in the Fall
Pumpkin Painting for the children at Halloween
Serves on the welcoming committee
The MPE Women's Social Club meets the second week of each month, alternating between Tuesdays and Thursdays, at a member's home or a local restaurant.
To join, please email MPE Women's Social Club if you or someone you know is interested in joining this vibrant group of women. Dues are just $30 per year and the membership year runs April through March. We would love to have you!
For more information on how to become a member please send an email to:
VIP Club
VIP stands for Very Important Person throughout the English speaking world. In Merriman Park Estates, VIP also stands for Volunteers In Patrol. The service they perform for your neighborhood makes them very important people in maintaining the value and safety of your life and property.
Merriman Park Estates Volunteers In Patrol was established in 1997 when Crime Watch Chairman Marilynn Meyer, convinced a group of Estaters concerned by the increasing crime rate throughout the city to hear a presentation by a representative from a neighborhood that had established Volunteers In Patrol with great success. A charter was drawn up, officers elected and the charter members went through 2 days of intensive training by the Dallas Police Department.
Volunteers In Patrol are extra eyes and ears for the police department. We are not armed and are non-confrontational. We patrol every street and alley in Merriman Park Estates in our own cars clearly marked "CRIME PATROL." AT&T furnishes our patrol a mobile phone so we can call 911 if we spot any criminal or suspicious activity. When we find a garage door open, we call the homeowner and remind them to close it. Two hour patrol shifts are staggered throughout the day and until midnight. The number of patrols depends on the number of active volunteers signing on for the month.
We welcome you to Merriman Park Estates, and invite you to join Volunteers in Patrol. The training program has been reduced to two hours plus a patrol with a seasoned veteran, and you can select the day and hours you wish to serve. Most of our volunteers patrol four hours per month. When possible two people patrol together and we have a number of husband/wife teams. We have a BI-MONTHLY business or social meeting on the 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm at a designated member's home.
For more information on how to become a member please send an email to: or 214-967-5075