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2025 dues are $125. 

What do membership dues provide?​


  • Neighborhood security (Flock) cameras – This is our largest expense as a neighborhood, and we couldn’t provide this security without our members.

  • A voice in the neighborhood – You are not eligible to vote on neighborhood issues at regular meetings without being a paid member of the MPE Club.

  • Connection with the neighborhood through The Estater newsletter, our printed neighborhood directory, and access to our electronic neighborhood directory.

  • MPE Club events – Popsicles in the Park, Merrifest, etc.

  • Access to our private Facebook group - another great way to connect with our neighbors. 

  • Neighborhood improvements – Such as R. P. Brooks Park maintenance and new marker landscaping

  • A copy of the new printed directory and access to our online directory through the Membership Toolkit website or mobile app.

  • Discounted rentals on tables, chairs, and a margarita machine located in the neighborhood storage unit. 

  • Access to the neighborhood private Facebook group at


To pay dues, please follow these steps:
1. Go to

2. Log in or create an account if you have never used Membership Toolkit before.
3. Go to My Account > My Forms/Paperwork (If you’ve just created a new account, you should be taken to this page automatically.)
4. At the bottom of the page is a form to pay 2025 dues.

If you would like to pay by check, please deliver the check to our Treasurer, Evan Richter.

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