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VIP Program (Neighborhood Patrol) 


Volunteers In Patrol are extra eyes and ears for the police department. We are not armed and are non-confrontational. We patrol every street and alley in Merriman Park Estates in our own cars clearly marked "CRIME PATROL." AT&T furnishes our patrol a mobile phone so we can call 911 if we spot any criminal or suspicious activity. When we find a garage door open, we call the homeowner and remind them to close it. Two hour patrol shifts are staggered throughout the day and until midnight. The number of patrols depends on the number of active volunteers signing on for the month. 


We welcome you to Merriman Park Estates, and invite you to join Volunteers in Patrol. The training program has been reduced to two hours plus a patrol with a seasoned veteran, and you can select the day and hours you wish to serve. Most of our volunteers patrol four hours per month. When possible two people patrol together and we have a number of husband/wife teams. We have a BI-MONTHLY business or social meeting on the 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm at a designated member's home.


For more information on how to become a member please send an email to:

Video Surveillance System (Flock)


In 2019, MPE partnered with Flock Safety to provide 24/7 managed surveillance. The camera system is distributed throughout the neighborhood at 9 key access points. Flock Safety is the only security camera system that solves and prevents neighborhood crime. Their affordable and discreet security cameras read and capture license plates, the color and type of a vehicle. It even reads and captures vehicle details if a license plate is missing, or if the vehicle has a paper plate. These are the exact details police need to solve a case. The captured footage is stored in a secure cloud and is only accessible by the MPE Security Task-force. MPE owns 100% of the data the system collects and Flock Safety will never share or sell your data.  If an MPE resident has an incident and needs footage pulled from the system, please open up a Camera Review Request. Requests usually take about 24-48 hours based on severity. 

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